11711 NE 12th St #1A, Bellevue, WA 98005


11711 NE 12th St #1A, Bellevue, WA 98005


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Medical Weight Loss Program in Bellevue

Although weight loss is theoretically simple, it is not easy.

Medispa and Wellness Center in Bellevue, Washington

To lose weight, it's not just about eating and drinking fewer calories than your body needs to fuel itself and maintain a constant weight.

At Inner Vitality in Bellevue, WA, we understand how difficult it is to complete your weight loss journey successfully without professional help. 

What Is a Medical Weight Loss Program?

A medical weight loss program is a tailored, medically supervised tool to help you lose weight and keep it off for good. What’s really exciting about this medically supervised weight loss program is it can include nearly anything you need it to. 

How Does It Work?

Your medical weight loss program starts with an initial evaluation and body composition analysis. Then, we will evaluate your health to ensure there are no medical conditions, like imbalanced hormones, that are causing weight gain or preventing weight loss. We will also help you create a diet and exercise plan that you can adhere to. For those who need additional intervention, we provide GLP-1 like Semaglutide and dual action Tirzepatide  (GLP-1 + GIP) to assist with fat loss.

Body Composition Analysis

This test gives us your body fat percentage so we can determine your basal metabolic rate. Once we know your basal metabolic rate (BMR), we can provide you with nutritional advice to ensure you get enough micronutrients to keep you energized, focused, and healthy throughout the day while losing weight at an acceptable rate.

Nutritional Advice

We can help you develop a healthy diet that will help you lose weight and maintain your new weight once you achieve your ideal weight. Many people lose weight successfully but can’t quite figure out how to maintain their ideal weight. After all, weight loss journeys often take months or years.

Nutritional advice sets you up for success as you lose weight by ensuring your body gets all of the micronutrients it needs to remain energized and healthy. It also sets you up for success once you have achieved your ideal weight.

Hormone Tests

If you gained a significant amount of weight rapidly and there seems to be no explanation for your weight gain, you may suffer from imbalanced hormone levels. We can test your hormone levels and restore balance to your hormone levels if they are imbalanced.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can give you the energy, focus, and drive that you need to follow the program and be successful. Furthermore, hormone therapy can help you keep your appetite in check and increase your fat metabolism.

How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help You Lose Weight

There are several ways bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help you lose weight. For example, your sex hormones play an important role in appetite regulation and energy levels. However, they also help to regulate sleep. Women who have imbalanced sex hormone levels often suffer from excessive nighttime urination, insomnia, night sweats, and hot flashes. All of these symptoms can affect sleep quality negatively.

By restoring balance to your sex hormone levels, you can sleep better. When you sleep better, you have the physical energy and mental clarity you need to exercise for your health and muscle tone and eat well for weight loss or maintenance.

Exercise Advice

We will also help you lose weight quickly and maintain an attractive physique by helping you form a workout plan. Although it is possible to lose weight and maintain a lower weight without exercise, inactivity is bad for your health. Working out throughout your weight loss journey will help to keep you motivated, boost your serotonin levels, increase your self-confidence and help you achieve your weight loss goals faster.

Once you have achieved your ideal weight, we can help you design an anaerobic exercise plan that will continue to improve your physique and make maintenance easier. Muscle tissue is roughly 2.5 times more metabolically active than fat. Therefore, the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you can consume without gaining fat. Furthermore, building muscle will probably increase your self-confidence significantly.

Who Can Benefit From This Type of Program?

Anyone who is trying to burn excess fat can benefit from this type of program. However, the people who enjoy the most success from this type of program have at least 20 pounds to lose, have tried to lose weight on their own, and are ready to make permanent changes to their lives.

Improve Your Quality of Life Today

Weight loss can be simple, however, it is certainly not always easy. If you have been struggling to achieve or maintain your ideal weight, a medical weight loss program can help you to take the first step towards improving your quality of life.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Start your journey to balanced health and radiant beauty at Inner Vitality Bellevue.

Opening Hours

Tuesday - Friday

9:30 am to 5 pm


11711 NE 12th St, Suite 1A, Bellevue, WA 98005

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Phone: 425-326-1629

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